
Showing posts from December 22, 2021

Presidential And Vice-Presidential Poll 2022!

 Mga kakamPing Lacson-Sotto Supporters, we need your cooperation to this Presidential And Vice-Presidential Poll 2022! And kindly share this to everyone, thank you!! More at: #LacsonSottofor2022 #PingLacson #SupportPingLacson #weneedaleader #LacsonForPresident #ilagaysatama #foryou #SupportPraiPartyList #LacsonSotto #TitoSenforVicePresident #SupportLacsonSottoFor2022 #Pinglacson #GodBlessYou #PRAIPARTYLIST #PingLacsonforpresident #LacsonSottoFor2022 #PingLacson2022



 On the President's Comment that Government Funds are Depleted

   On the President's Comment that Government Funds are Depleted I would suggest that the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) be convened immediately so the members of the Cabinet can mobilize the different agencies using their Quick Response Funds (QRF) and other relevant appropriations available under their disposal, among others. The Office of Civil Defense (OCD) should be required to submit an initial Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) in areas devastated by Odette. This will guide the President to prioritize aid and assistance based on the needs and extent of damage. For its part, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) should organize a meeting with the different ambassadors to appeal to the international community of nations for assistance just like what we did days after the onslaught of Typhoon Yolanda. Meanwhile, there is also a need to organize the mobilization of the country’s business and private sector to extend assistance in order to m

Why I choose Sen. Ping Lacson for President:

    Why I choose Sen. Ping Lacson for President: I have not seen any other presidential candidate whose heart and dedication to public service extends beyond regional borders and political colors than Sen. Ping Lacson.  He is not clannish, but independent-minded. He does not look into political affiliations or colors, but maintains that “what is right should be kept right and what is wrong must be made right”. Despite the possible backlash of the Anti-Terror Law to his political ambition, he bravely sponsored and defended it upon his belief that that law is needed to balance the anti-terrorism campaign of the government between the concerns of the terrorists, both local and foreign, and that of the law enforcers. He is honest and did not enrich himself with all the opportunities that he had. In fact, he did not get his “pork” while younger during all the twelve years that he was in the senate, therefore, he is not expected to enrich himself as president now that he is much older. He sc

Lacson Pushes 2-Pronged Approach to Speed Up 'Odette' Relief Efforts

  Lacson Pushes 2-Pronged Approach to Speed Up 'Odette' Relief Efforts An initial Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) that can help pinpoint areas to prioritize relief efforts on one hand, and calling on the international community for relief assistance on the other. This is the two-pronged formula that can ensure Filipinos affected by Typhoon Odette will get their much-needed assistance, Sen. Panfilo "Ping" M. Lacson said. Lacson, who chairs the Senate Committee on National Defense and who served as Presidential Assistant on Rehabilitation and Recovery (PARR), said these will complement the initial steps taken by the government to address the situation. "It is imperative that the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC), through the Office of Civil Defense (OCD), expedite the submission of their initial PDNA (Post Disaster Needs Assessment), in order to have an accurate data-driven information on the ground so the national government ca

Spox: Lacson Re-Tasks Partido Reporma Campaign Team to Focus on ‘Odette’ Response 

  Spox: Lacson Re-Tasks Partido Reporma Campaign Team to Focus on ‘Odette’ Response  As a clearer but grimmer picture emerges on the extent of the damage wrought by Typhoon Odette, Senator and presidential aspirant Panfilo “Ping” Lacson directed various teams from his Partido Reporma, campaign volunteers, and even his own Senate staff to focus on helping the victims of the storm, his spokesman said Tuesday. Since Saturday, December 18, simultaneous relief efforts have been undertaken by these teams in Cebu, Leyte and Siargao with additional volunteers joining to help in Southern Leyte, Negros Island, and Palawan, Partido Reporma spokesman Ashley “Ace” Acedillo said. Through its alliance with LPGMA Party-List, Partido Reporma will also dispatch a Landing Craft Tanker (LCT) to ferry heavy equipment, housing materials, food, and water to various affected areas in Visayas and Mindanao in the next few days, Acedillo added. Lacson, in a recent out-of-town engagement, called for a moment of s